Test run of new grill successful
The male turkey (price: $38)
Male and female turkey, plus rooster
Roasting pit
All the birds (2 turkeys, 2 guinea fowl, 4 chickens)
Chop chop
Down the street the neighbors start a controlled fire to clear brush. This happens regularly this time of year.
Peanut butter bars
Pumpkin pie
Apple pie
Plucking feathers
Plucking complete
Gutting birds
The power got cut all of a sudden. Fortunately we have to run a generator to keep the anti-venom and rabies vaccines cold. Props to the American taxpayer.
Roasting pit roasting
There is a mandatory helmet rule
Better late than never
Peeling potatoes
Making punch
Thanks for the pictures of what looks like a great thanksgiving feast...I am sure my daughter and all the other pcvs had a great time...I will let the other Benin family members know where they can see what you call can pull together for Thanksgiving...I'm impressed...Marj, aka miriam's mom
What a fantastic meal, my stomach was growling after looking at photos, after it got over churning looking at the gut bowl.
Thanks for the photos
Judy, aka Carly's mom
I might also add that you must work for an ad agency in your former life with all the beauty shots of the food. I also liked the still life of helmets.
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